Starting the 6th of December 2011 registration for .fr, .re, .yt, .pm, .wf and .tf is open by Afnic to individuals residing or corporations having theirhead office in the territory of one of the Member States of the EuropeanUnion. ?
If you are in one of those cases you are eligible to register domains. Afnic will be performing eligibility validation on random basis or ifthey receive complaints. When they initiate the validation process theregistrant has 30 days to provide profs the whois details are accurate.
If notprovided in 30 days the domain will be suspended and the registrant still hasanother 30 days to provide those profs. If not provided Afnic will delete thedomain at the end of those 30 days.
The administrative contact must be located in the following countries:
Austria (AT) ?land Islands (AX) Belgium (BE) Bulgaria (BG) Switzerland (CH) Cyprus (CY) Czech Republic (CZ) Germany (DE) Denmark (DK) Estonia (EE) Spain (ES) Finland (FI) France (FR) French Guiana (GF) Gibraltar (GI) Guadeloupe (GP) Greece (GR) Hungary (HU) Ireland (IE) Iceland (IS) Italy (IT) Liechtenstein (LI) Lithuania (LT) Luxembourg (LU) Latvia (LV) Martinique (MQ) Malta (MT) New Caledonia (NC) Netherlands (NL) Norway (NO) French Polynesia (PF) Poland (PL) Saint Pierre and Miquelon (PM) Portugal (PT) R?union (RE) Romania (RO) Sweden (SE) Slovenia (SI) Slovakia (SK) French Southern Territories (TF) UK Wallis and Futuna (WF) Mayotte (YT)
The administrative contacts can be changed during trade only (paid).
Both owner and admin contact require a local address.